ROTATE's first Flagship Store in the heart of the brand’s home city, Copenhagen is now open. Designed by renowned interior architect, Thibaut Allgayer, the ROTATE store is an immersive space that welcomes those that enter into the core DNA of the brand.

'ROTATE is a brand with a beating heart and unique DNA. We have had a strong sense of the world that our brand has existed in for so many years, that the opening of the store is an organic progression. We are thrilled to host our loyal community, and offer a space where they can feel at home, engaged and excited in our hometown of Copenhagen

- Jeanette Madsen and Thora Validmars, Creative Directors, ROTATE

Kristen Bernikows Gade 6, 1105 Copenhagen K

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +45 31 49 51 71

Opening hours: 

Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm